Celebrating the life and art of Václav Havel
New York City, October through December 2006



The English language premiere

Presented as a staged reading

Translated by Barbara Day
Directed by Hilary Adams
Produced by Works Productions

Interested is reading some of Havel's newest plays and new translations? Check out the Havel Collection from Theater 61 Press.

Presented at Makor

Havel’s only history play, it recounts the events of 1918 Czechoslovakia, when, after 300 years under the Habsburg empire, the state finally broke free and established its own democratic republic. In retelling that story, Havel was hoping to (and did) foreshadow a more modern Czechoslovakian revolution.

Production history
This was performed as part of a celebration of October 28, 1918, the day of Czecholslavak Independence, on its 70th anniversary. As Havel's name could not legally be attached to the production, all the writers involved in the celebration chose to be anonymous. Although it was rumored Havel was involved, most attendees incorrectly guessed which piece he had penned.

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